Other than Aysle, this is the only realm from the earlier Possibililty Wars remaining at its size and power. The Gaunt Man has finally decided to centrify the location of his realm to better access other realms and the characters themselves. His choice of Eastern Europe and Russia has proved most crippling to the burgeoning Second World War.
Orrorsh since the Possibility Wars
The Gaunt Man’s realm is the first and most important realm to be considered in the Torg 2000 Universe. After his defeat on Earth, he managed to secure himself a new body. It was in the form of a New Orleans cult leader named Thomas English. After returning to Gaia and rounding up his forces, it wasn’t long before English’s old body changed to the Gaunt Man’s familiar old appearance, the look that garnered him the name of the Gaunt Man.
After returning to Gaia, the Gaunt Man began making forays into other dimensions in search of a new darkness device, since Heketon had supposedly been cast into Entropy. It was not long before he felt an irresistable call into a pocket dimension where he found his beloved Heketon safe! With it was an entire ship of dead Akashans, drifting in the isolated void of a sterile cosm. One Akashan lived, a man of terrific psychic powers named Yulian Dragasani. He was almost a raving lunatic when the Gaunt Man found him. He had been living off the corpses of the dead for the entire time. Using occult magic, the Gaunt Man managed to pull Yulian from his madness and get the story from him. The man told about a ship-wide psychic pall everyone fell under, just before they began to kill each other in droves. The captain, still clinging to sanity, attempted to drive the ship into Entropy itself; as it approached the event horizon, a brilliant flash of light appeared, streaming from a hole dead ahead. Heketon had pulled them through a maelstrom bridge! Not many people were still alive at this point, and he barely witnessed the casting of the other darkness devices into Entropy. He saw enough of it, though, to know it did not go smoothly.
For more information, see the Torg 2000 history section.
The High Lord, The Gaunt Man
The Gaunt Man's statistics have changed slightly, but other than that, he has undergone very little change. This version is mostly based upon his statistics in the WEG module, "The Gaunt Man Returns."
The Gaunt Man
Dodge 23, maneuver 18, melee weapons 21, prestidigitation 21,
unarmed combat 19
Evidence analysis 32, find 31, language 33, scholar (eternity
shards) 33, scholar (Orrorsh realm lore) 36, scholar (The Nameless
One) 34, trick 31
Test 33, occult 35, willpower 35
Charm 27, persuasion 28, taunt 24
Faith (Orrorshan evil) 38, intimidation 39, reality 36
Possibilities: 350
Equipment: Occult amulet protecting him from eternity shards;
cane with small living head, causes fear in 30-metre radius.
Powers: attack form resistance (physical, mental, and spiritual
damage from magic attacks,) regeneration, resistance to normal
weapons, silence, animal control, dark vision.
Corruption Value: 63 (!)
Fear rating: 5
Perserverance DN: 29
Weaknesses: Eternity shards, though this is nullified while the
Gaunt Man wears his amulet.
True Death: None known.
Heketon is unchanged from its stats, listed in the Orrorsh sourcebook. Nothing else is different, either.
Yulian Dragasani
Yulian Dragasani was given the position in the Hellion Court formerly occupied by Thratchen. This has caused some dissent among the other members of the Hellion Court who survived the attack on Illmound Keep. Yulian is of Romanian descent, even though he lived most of his life in the former Soviet Union, being a guinea pig for psychic research. He is a Core Earther, dark haired and tall, with a strong charismatic way about him. Yulian has studied Necromancy extensively, and knows many spells. Although they are not Aylish spells, for ease of reference, they are identical to those in Pixaud’s Practical Grimoire. He is not yet truly evil, but is swiftly being seduced by the power afforded by fear. He lives in fear of the Gaunt Man and of being punished, should he betray him.
Yulian Dragasani
Dodge 13, Fire Combat 12, Melee Weapons 13, Stealth 12
Psionic Manipulation 35, Alteration Magic 26, Divination Magic
26, Evidence Analysis 26, Find 27, Land vehicles 26, scholar
(death) 29, trick 24
Psionic resistance 32, Test of will 29, Willpower 29, Apportation
Magic 28, Conjuration Magic 32
Charm 24, Persuasion 24, Taunt 22
Intimidation 23, Reality 28
Possibilities: 50
Psionic Abilities:
Telekinesis: DN 14, value (skill value in kg)
Pyrokinesis: DN 22, value 20
Psychic Wind: DN 10, value 20
Astral Body: DN 25, value 15
ESP: DN 10, value 17
Telepathy: DN 14, value 25
Telecontrol: DN 20, value 20
Illusion: DN 10, value 12
Suggestion: DN 10, value 8
Clairvoyance: DN 10, value (skill value in km)
Precognition: DN 16, value 10
PK Shield: DN 14, value (skill value in Toughness)
Arcane Knowledges: Death, Darkness, Entity
Spells: Grave Assistance, Rot of the Grave, Talking Dead, Visions
of Death, Conceal Evil, Create Fear, Dark Cloud, Fields of Death,
Maungo’s Malicious Mastiff, Shadow Bats, Withering Touch,
Animate Skeletal Warrior, Banish Demon, Bind Demon, Demon
Soul Ring, Raise Skeleton, Raise Zombie, Sense Undead, Summon
Equipment: Yulian wears a pendant in the shape of an eye, which
allows the Gaunt Man to see everything Yulian does (Yulian is not
aware of this.)
Goals: Yulian wants to be free of the Gaunt Man, but isn’t sure
how he can accomplish this without being killed for insolence.
The New Hellion Court The other members of the Hellion Court fared well in the ordeal which ended Earth’s seige. They escaped up the maelstrom bridge when it became obvious things weren’t going well. The only members who died were Rashnaya, Skutharka, and General Avery Wellington, who attempted to fend off a horde of storm knights with the sole aid of his ten Wellington Reds. The Gaunt Man has established a brand new Illmound Keep in the wild Transylvanian mountains outside of of Cluj (in northeastern Romania.) He has expanded greatly on his original plan for illmound keep, having a magnificent chateau erected on a towering cliff. It is home to his closest advisors and the members of the Hellion Court. Those who are not stationed there have been given new lands to oversee. Ahjebax has been given control of the territories in Switzerland and Italy. He makes his home in the watery maze of Venice. Dr. Wilhelm Sconce has taken up residence in a looming castle in southeastern Austria, and given control over Austria and Hungary. The Ukraine and up into the Soviet Union are under control of Sabathina, who lives in a cavern south of Kiev. Baron Victor Manwaring, or Baron Mantooth, is the only member of the Hellion Court who does not live in Illmound Keep. Now he is in charge of the area of Romania, the seat of the Gaunt Man’s power. Note: this section is incomplete.
People and Places in Orrorsh
Note: this section is incomplete.
Running Orrorsh in Torg 2000
When WEG set Orrorsh in Southeast Asia, they opened up the realm of horror to some interesting Victorian Colonialism/Tropical island conflicts. The idea was a noble one, but unfortunately, most Americans simply do not know enough about Southeast Asia to really be able to run games set there. On top of that, the combination tended to get a little stale, and there were times when one wanted some plain old straight-up horror but it seemed as though this foreign culture just got in the way.
By setting the Torg 2000 Orrorsh in Eastern Europe, we tried to get the realm back to its roots, that is, European supernatural folk tales. This has always been a realm of gypsies, werewolves, spiritualists, haunted houses, and vampires, and now it is even more so. The mountains of the Romania area are perfect for vampire or werewolf adventures, and the realm stretching all the way into Russia can make for some interesting spice. Pure, unadulterated horror is now the game in Orrorsh, in the vein (no pun intended) of Stoker, Shelley, or Poe. Have fun. Be gory. Be scary.
Recommended Materials: Movies: Bram Stoker's Dracula The Horror of Dracula Tales from the Crypt Books: Mary Wollestonecraft Shelley, Frankenstein Bram Stoker, Dracula Edgar Allen Poe, The Fall of the House of Usher Edgar Allen Poe, The Masque of the Red Death Edgar Allen Poe, any short stories James Blaylock, Homunculus (Anything I missed? Send me an e-mail!)
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